Personal credit report is your "credit files" comprehensive, objective record of your credit activities, such as the repayment of principal and interest loans, credit cards, such as the amount of overdraft. Include the following information: your basic information: your name, identification numbers, home address, work units and so on. This information told commercial banks, "who you are."
Friendly Tips: To avoid unnecessary trouble, please do not lend your own identification cards, identification cards because the number of credit reports is an important identification information. At the same time, when you are in the process of banking, accurately and truthfully fill out basic personal information, changes in a timely manner with the bank to update information, which not only help you to prevent identity fraud, theft, and help commercial banks to verify the accuracy of your identity.
Your loan information in bank : When and loan number in which bank,how much repayed, how much shall also not, as well as the monthly repayments, and so on.
Your credit card information: You apply for a credit card, which banks, credit card overdrafts and the amount of your repayment record, and so on.
You open a bank account billing information: your name, identification numbers, bank codes, such as account opening date, the settlement does not include your account access, transfer and payment of the balance of information.
Your credit report inquiries were recorded: the computer will automatically record "when, where, for whatever reason" to view your credit report.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
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